Christos Kyrgios talks to us about what it was like growing up having Alopecia since he was 5 years old. He meets a young Alopecia sufferer, Omar Abdo, through Instagram. When the two meet at the French Open tennis tournament
Angela Christiano – Healing More than Just Hair: Cultural and Personal Aspects of Alopecia Areata
Angela Christiano PhD is a professor of Molecular Dermatology at Columbia University who studies inherited skin and hair disorders. She has recently discovered the genes implicated in alopecia areata, the hair-loss disorder that she herself suffers from.
AAAF News: Tell your story competition & Trivia Night coming up soon!
AAAF now operates Fridays from Sinclair Dermatology at Level 3, 2 Wellington parade, East Melbourne. This is a new adventure in providing a one stop shop, show casing an array of Alopecia products and services. Feel free to drop in
TEDx Conference presentation
Michelle Law did a story for the Sunday Mail regarding a TEDx conference held in Melbourne where she spoke on the theme of women. You can watch Michelle’s video here:
The Winner of ‘Your Story’ Competition
VICTORIA FROM SWEDEN “Being a “wigkid’, I was always afraid of people’s reactions.What would they think when they saw a bald child (me). I was always terrified of losing my hairpiece if I did any rapid movements…”. Read Victoria’s story